Regional Informal Workshop: September 22-23, 2007

Regional Informal Workshop: What Role for Parliaments? – Manila, September 22-23, 2007

This first parliamentarians’ program, organized by MFA and FES, included the participation of former and sitting Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore, as well as government officials, representatives from international organizations, migrant non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and associations, trade unions and the academe based in the region. The objectives of the workshop was to exchange views on the issues of labor migration in Southeast Asia and to look at how parliamentarians and parliaments can increase their role in addressing labor migration at various levels – national, bilateral and regional. The workshop was designed as a non-partisan, informal activity to encourage learning and reflection among parliaments as well as with civil society organizations (CSOs) and government officials. The organizers of the workshop hope to find a balance in the interest of stakeholders in the region and to look at the individual rights of migrant workers.

Download the Summary Report from the 2007 inaugural Regional Informal Workshop in Manila