The 2nd UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (2nd UNHLD) was held in New York City on 3-4 October 2013. MFA was present at the first UNHLD held in 2006 in New York. In line with continuing the network’s engagement with the UNHLD, MFA organized a series of national and regional consultations focused using the framework of the CSO proposed 5 year action plan on 8 points. The outcome document from the consultations can be downloaded here.
As a distinct outcome and follow up to the HLD, MFA worked with global civil society organizations in developing a proposal to collaborate with States for the next five years on concrete projects and measurable progress on 8 key points. The 5 year action agenda was developed in 2012 in a series of global meetings: the CSO days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development in Mauritius and the World Social Forum on Migration.
The 5 year action agenda is focused on the following 8 key points:
On Labour and Mobility
1. Regulating the migrant labour recruitment industry and labour mobility mechanisms
2. Guaranteeing the labour rights of migrants.
On Rights and Protection
3. Addressing protection needs of migrants stranded in distress, including migrants in transit
4. Addressing vulnerabilities, rights and empowerment of women and children in the context of human mobility
On Human Development, Diaspora Action
5. Ensuring migrants’ and migration’s rightful place on the post-2015 development agenda (i.e. in the “next generation” of Millennium Development Goals)
6. Engaging migrants and diaspora as entrepreneurs, social investors and policy advocates in development
On Migration Governance and Partnerships
7. Promoting the implementation of national legislation reflecting international standards regarding migrants and their families (in particular with regards to enforcement policies, social protection and due process)
8. Redefining the interactions of international mechanisms for migrants’ rights protection
The full proposal for the 5 year 8 points agenda can be downloaded here
Civil Society Organizations present at the 2nd UNHLD showed a united stance by continuously advocating for the 5 year 8 points agenda.